More training…

October 3rd, 2005

The last few weeks have gone by in rather a blur. I’ve spent a week in Cambridge taking my Air/Ground Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence, which entitles me to talk to aeroplanes at small airfields (a lot of “Golf Alpha Bravo, runway is two six left-hand, wind three one zero at two six knots” and very little “negative, Ghostrider, the pattern is full”!). This was followed up by a day’s course on operating a hydraulic platform (“cherry-picker”) and four days in Redhill learning about Inmarsat-B and repairing HF radios. That’s almost all the training over with! I now have a £700 expense claim from all the travelling I’ve been doing and a big wodge of notes and certificates.

Today I dropped into the operations office to find out if my flights have been confirmed. They haven’t, but I’m now supposed to be going to Stanley on LAN Chile from Heathrow instead of by RAF flight from Brize Norton. This is a very circuitous route! You fly from London to Madrid, then from Madrid to Santiago, then from Santiago to Stanley the following day on a plane that calls at Punta Monte and Punta Arenas. But the plan may yet change again…

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