Interview day
June 5th, 2005So, to Cambridge. I had a pretty pleasant journey all the way up there on the train and, after seeing the immense queue for taxis, decided to get the buses out to BAS HQ, which is on the far side of town from the station. The HQ building is on a somewhat unfinished science park called High Cross, which is run by the University of Cambridge. The building’s been recently smartened up, with a pleasant new reception area, although it acts as a gateway to a labyrinth of narrow corridors in plain and functional concrete buildings. The interviewers were friendly and enthusiastic, and I talked a good deal about work I’d done at the BBC and why I was keen to work in the frozen South. By the end of the interview we were exchanging fairly detailed questions about the job and working environment, and I was getting the impression that they liked me!
The following day I returned from lunch to an answerphone message from the personnel office at BAS. I had got the job – at the larger of the two bases: Rothera.