Laurence M Gould and Fossil Bluff

January 29th, 2006

Yesterday we had a visit from our American friends on board the research ship Laurence M Gould, who tied up at the wharf and came ashore for an evenings entertainment. This is a regular social visit, which happens a) because they’re passing by us anyway and b) because US research vessels are “dry” and they like to come to a British base for a beer!
We put on a good show for them – the final ever Tepid Stan gig in the Sledge Store and a good time was had by all.

This morning I’m supposedly (weather-permitting) off to Fossil Bluff to stay for a week or so. I may be longer than that! If you want to contact me during that time, you’ll need my BAS email address (the one that begins mrpr@south) and be prepared for your message to be read out over the radio! Actually, one of the things I’m doing is working on an experimental system to send email over the radio as a data transmission, so we’ll see how well that works…

One Response to “Laurence M Gould and Fossil Bluff”

  1. Becca Says:

    Oh wow, that sounds amazing Michael. Loving the pics from your boat trips. You must be having a great time!

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